How To Make Money With Your Camera Right Now

How to Make Money with Photography Tips for 2022 

Almost every home has some kind of camera. Whether it’s the popular digital cameras like the canon powershot or the Nikon coolpix p90 , even cell phones. Anybody can learn how to make money with a camera. Now let’s take a closer look at how one young man made a fortune with one photograph and a few other examples to teach you how to make money with your camera.

Upon hearing of the death of Osama Bin Laden 23 year old Maurice Haray rushed home to his apartment and put up a website selling T-shirts. He made over $120,000 in less than 2 days, by putting a photo of Osama Bin Laden on a T-shirt, and selling it on his website for $12.00 a shirt.While some in the media ran the story as if the 23 year old was lucky, I say that you create your own luck by Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.


Maurice got an idea and acted on it. How many of us have watched as others have prospered on ideas that we had. Belief in yourself and your ideas is a main ingredient on whether or not we decide to take action. Many successful people say that they envisioned their success long before it happened.


Maurice labored under correct knowledge. This is evident in several ways. He understood marketing legend Gary Halbert’s principle of hungry fish. He lived in New York and there is probably no place on earth that would be willing to purchase a Osama Bin Laden is dead t-shirt more. They were hungry for the product that he created.
He also had correctly learned how to put up a website. In today’s internet driven world. If you are going to maximize any chance to make money with your camera you are going to have to have some knowledge of internet marketing. In addition his story was carried by one of the most popular entertainment shows today. So there was a element of free publicity incorporated into his marketing as well.



You can make money with your camera by taking photos or video of special events like weddings. Banquets, graduations, and fashion shows. If you have little or no experience then you might consider working for a very low fee or for free. Just to gain experience and build up your portfolio. Contact all of your family, friend and co-workers and let them know you are willing to work for a low price or even free to gain experience. Also look in the local newspaper for knowledge of when all of the special events are taking place in your area. 


Making a keychain with a photo is a fantastic novelty item you could make. There are several photos that you could make that people would love to have on their keychain. Parents always love pictures of their children. Especially when they are babies. Coffee is second only to water as the most consumed drink in the world. Photos of family on coffee mugs is another idea for making photo novelties.


Do you have a Navy base or port in your area? Having lived in the Norfolk Virginia area for a number of years, I can tell you the media never missed a chance to do a story on a ship either departing or coming home. There are plenty of families and couples that would love a photo of such emotional events.


There are plenty of business professionals that need to keep a current photo of themselves. Real estate agents, actors and models need to have good photos of themselves. In today’s economy many are looking to cut costs, and may be more receptive to a photographer that is lower priced then their current one.


If you are just starting out you may not have a lot of money so here are a few tips to market your new business on a shoestring budget. Make some post cards and mail them to any business that might be interested in your services. You want to mail post cards because they are less expensive and more effective than a letter. A letter might get thrown in the trash and never get read. A postcard is already open and is going to at least get glanced at before being tossed away. Then as mentioned earlier there is the internet.

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